If you are new to the role of Event Supervisor - congratulations on joining the team! Those who are returning - thank you so much for your continued dedication to WSO! As an event supervisor you have the opportunity to expose middle and high school students to aspects of science they have often never experienced before. They get the chance to see it in action and realize what possibilities await them as they pursue a career in STEM related fields. Check out the alumni page of the National SO website to see the impact this competition has on our youth. Make sure you read the article Three Life Lessons in the Share Your Story section.
Here is just one of the quotes from Science Olympiad alumni:
"In high school, Science Olympiad was an integral part of my growing love of science, engineering, and experimentation. I never stopped enjoying the process of design and creation, both in reality and in the computer -- I now work on Google SketchUp and the 3D Warehouse."
Dr. Brian Brewington, Software Engineer, Google