Division B and C State Tournament
April 22-23, 2022
UW-Stevens Point
Follow @WIsciolympiad #wsostate on Twitter for important information and updates.
Important Information: Update April 23, 2021
Award Ceremony Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/M268iHeszf1181ffA4CcPyh2aL2FHo1cFmxoNxUvhf2IaJFjLCW42lBvmvQUCqbO.ntjM6H6soetldITu
Lean Mean Mean Machine pre-build topics are posted with the exam in Scilympiad.
Materials list for events for supplies to be gathered by coaches has been emailed to coaches. If a coach does not have this list, please contact Nicole Dallman at nicole.wisconsinso@gmail.com
Here is a document that provides detailed information on the delivery of Competitive Events at the Tournament: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wL69cZ8yrjztUScmBgJi2OlwNgXhyx9cC6w44kn1SaE/edit?usp=sharing
And detailed info for Trial Events:
Ping Pong Parachute (Div C and B): https://docs.google.com/document/d/14K6drnM91OOGuW7oFuS_JNnE7SQQIIgcvJouXNEYcUM/edit?usp=sharing_eip&ts=605c9244
Elastic Launch Glider (Div B): https://docs.google.com/document/d/15g10JkL4CPAbyFqmbTZ009p35-GwCdAzyNQngE6u7nk/edit?usp=sharing
Wright Stuff (Div C): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ozLdggFzuwYuxosgk92de2SmGkeetwoVrIaCPbk_6Io/edit?usp=sharing
All teams will compete at the same time as indicated in the schedules posted above. Teams numbers will still be assigned, but they have no bearing on schedule.
The 2021 WSO State tournament is presently being scheduled as a remote tournament experience for teams. Teams will be able to compete as a mini or satellite Team according to nso policies here.
Mini and Satellite Teams will be grouped together for the purpose of individual medals and team awards. Since Wisconsin WSO has a 23/28 event format for teams to choose their events, we believe this evens the playing field for Mini and Satellite teams. We also believe that this grouping provides greater flexibility for teams during these unpredictable times.
Teams will also be split into Varsity and Junior Varsity groups for Medals and Team Awards. Each school will be allowed one Varsity Team. The additional teams from a school will be placed in a Junior Varsity group. Medals will be Awarded for Varsity and Junior Varsity teams will qualify for duplicate medals based on their performance compared to the varsity teams. Once we identify how many teams will be participating at State, we will set the # of medal places. There wil be Team awards for only the Varsity teams. Teams still need to follow WSO policies on team makeup and competing in 23 of 28 events split across categories. For this season, if a Varsity team does not want to compete for a team award, then they may have more flexibility in their team makeup and event choices.
The tournament will be conducted in a one day format with events occurring on saturday, April 17th and culminating with an online Award ceremony TBD
The Event schedule will account for event overlaps defined earlier in the season and will move teams to be competing at the same hour for many events.
The tournment will utilize the following technologies: Scilympiad, Zoom, and Dropbox along with possible links to videos.
Most “build events” will require live zoom feeds of student performances.
Overall Schedule of Activities
Updated 4-9-2021
Thursday, April 15th
Opening Ceremony at 4:00 pm. Featured speaker Dr. Alexander Hall to talk about the “The Next Steps for Us with COVID.” The ceremony will also feature Parade of Schools. Schools are to post one 15 second video introducing their team and sharing a thought related to WSO, COVID and/or Science here https://www.dropbox.com/request/eNZNxlF7bN5seK7xQiHc by 6:00 am on April 15th.
Saturday, April 17th
7:00-5:45 PM Competitive Events
WSO Coaches Meeting: TBD
Saturday, April 24th
Award Ceremonies for Div B and C will be at 6:00 pm
General Info
Opening Ceremony is a non-formal fun event! Each school is invited to participate in the Parade Schools. We are putting together plans for this, check back for more info!
Competitive Tournament Notes for Division B and C
Tournament Awards: Individual medals will be provided for the top places (8 in Div C and 6 in Div B) in each event for Varsity and Junior Varsity can earn duplicate medals based on their performance blended with the Varsity teams. The top ten teams will be awarded team trophies and coaches plaques.
Junior Varsity Team: These teams can be thought of as an "Open" team. The individuals on these teams are eligible for awards, but the team score is not relevant. These teams can have any combination and numbers of students at any grade level at a team’s school. Junior Varsity teams will sign-up for "sign-up" events after the Varsity Team.
Multiple Teams from Schools Scheduling Note: All teams from a school must compete in the same time-slot for events, with the exception of the following events:
Division C
Detector Building - After Varsity
Gravity Vehicle - After Varsity
Horticulture - Exam All Together
Machines - After Varsity
Mission Possible
Protein Modeling - Exam All Together
Robo Tour - After Varsity
Solar Power - After Varsity, Exam All Together
Sounds of Music - After Varsity, Exam All Together
Division B
Detector Building - After Varsity
Horticulture - Exam All Together
Machines-After Varsity
Mission Possible
Mousetrap Vehicle - After Varsity
Robo Tour - After Varsity
Solar Power - After Varsity, Exam All Together
Students may participate on only one team.
Selection of Events: Each Team must balance their chosen 23 events from the 5 Science Olympiad categories. Each Team must choose a minimum of 3 events from each category to reach a total of 23 events.
Auditing of Events: Teams may choose to Audit events in which they are not competing. These events are eligible for duplicate medals. Students beyond the standard team of 15 may participate in Audit events.