2019-2020 Division B and C State Tournament will be hosted at UW-MilwAUkee on April 17 and 18th, 2020

Follow @WIsciolympiad #wsostate on Twitter for important information and updates.

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Interested in sponsoring Wisconsin’s greatest STEM competition? See our Sponsor Sheet.


Teams are responsible for booking their own accommodations in the Menomonie area. For more visitor info, explore Menomonie!

MapS: Events and PArking

Need to find your way to events? Take a look at our campus and building maps. Visit UW-Stout for maps and travel info.

Stout Expo

Check-out all of the great STEM activities for students on Friday! Registration for these begins March 1 at Avogadro.
Updated 3-15-19

Overall Schedule of Activities

Updated 3-7-2019

Friday, March 15th

  • 9:00 am - 3:30pm Check-In for Team Wrist Bands: Both Divisions-Ballrooms, Memorial Student Center

  • 9:00 am - 3:30 pm-STEM Expo Activities: see schedules at STEM Expo

  • 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Practice for Wright Stuff and Elastic Launch Glider.: Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) of Sports and Fitness Center.
    Aerial Scramble CANNOT practice in MPR on Friday or Saturday. Teams will be disqualified for flying any planes other than Wright Stuff or Elastic Launch Glider. Only competing team members allowed in room. No coaches, other team members, friends or parents will allowed in MPR during practice times. Half of the MPR will be available before 2 pm.

  • 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Practice for Mousetrap and Battery Buggy in West Gym of Sports and Fitness Center

  • 4:00 pm-5:30 pm - Opening Ceremony, Parade of Schools: Johnson Fieldhouse of Sports and Fitness Center

Opening Ceremony Keynote Presentation: Grand Hank Productions

Saturday, March 16th

  • 7:00-8:30 am-Check-In for Team Wrist Bands: Division B-Great Hall, Memorial Student Center; Division C-Johnson Fieldhouse

  • 7:00 am - 8:45 am Practice for Wright Stuff and Elastic Launch Glider: Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) of Sports and Fitness Center.
    Aerial Scramble CANNOT practice in MPR on Friday or Saturday. Teams will be disqualified for flying any planes other than Wright Stuff or Elastic Launch Glider. Only competing team members allowed in room. No coaches, other team members, friends or parents will allowed in MPR during practice times.

  • 10:00 am-3:00 pm Merchandise Sales: Johnson Fieldhouse

  • 7:45-3:15 Competitive Events: see tentative schedules for Division B and Division C

  • 10:30-11:00 am-WSO Coaches Meeting: Cedar Room, MSC

  • 4:00-5:30 pm -Award Ceremony: Johnson Fieldhouse

Tournament Information

Coaches must complete WSO State Acceptance Form
WSO State Required Form to be uploaded here
Coaches be sure to check the WSO State Team Checklist!
State Qualification Criteria along with info on EXHIBITION teams and auditing of events can be seen at the Policies Page.
Event dimensions for flight events: 100’ x 100’ x 20’
Event Notes: Aerial Scramble requires IMPOUND of Model Boxes and Tool Kits
Parking information: See Maps above.
Nominations for WSO Outstanding Student Award
Home Spaces: Division B will be in Memorial Student Center, Division C will be in Johnson Fieldhouse.
See Competitive Notes at Bottom of Page
Self-scheduling of events at Avogadro:

General Info

  • Dining Options are available for teams on campus on both March 15 and 16th.

    Fireside Cafe
    Blue Devil Market
    Brew Devils

  • Teams will be provided home base spaces in the Memorial Student Center (Division B) and Johnson Fieldhouse (Division C). Division B teams will be provided tables in the Great Hall or Ballrooms. Division C teams will have access to the bleachers in Johnson Fieldhouse. If a Division B and C set of teams from the same district want to be close to one another, they both should go to Johnson Fieldhouse.

  • Opening Ceremony is a non-formal fun event! Each school is invited to participate in the Parade Schools.
    Guidelines on Parade of Schools: Teams should come prepared with their banner made prior to arriving on campus. Select a maximum of 4 participants for the Parade of Schools. Teams can represent their school by carrying a state flag and/or a school flag/banner. Many teams will “dress up” to represent their school. The banners and all materials MUST be no more than 8 feet wide.
    The following are explicitly prohibited: Throwing items into audience (confetti, glitter, party poppers, silly string). Any explosively charged device. Any item that could be propelled into the audienc. Any activity deemed to be dangerous or unsafe. Please remember appropriate behavior and decorum in this ceremony. Don’t let the energy of the event lead to poor choices during the parade of states. Teams will line up outside of the Johnson Fieldhouse at 3:45 pm.

Competitive Tournament Notes for Division B and C

Tournament Awards: Individual medals and pins will be provided for the top 6 places in each event. Exhibition and Audit teams will be provided duplicate place medals and pins. The top six teams will be awarded team trophies and coaches plaques.

Exhibition Teams: These teams can be thought of as an "Open" team. The individuals on these teams are eligible for awards, but the team score is not relevant. These teams may have any combination and numbers students at any grade level from a team’s school.  However, there is a limited number of spaces in many events, so Exhibition Teams may be limited in their choices. Exhibition teams will sign-up for "sign-up" events after the State Qualifying teams.

Multiple Teams from Schools Scheduling Note: All teams from a school must compete in the same time-slot for events, with the exception of the following events:

Division C

Aerial Scramble
Mission Possible
Mousetrap Vehicle
Wright Stuff

These Events must have Varsity Team go first:
Sounds of Music

Division B

Aerial Scramble
Roller Coaster
Battery Buggy
Elastic Launch Glider

These Events must have Varsity Team go first:
Mystery Architecture

Students may participate on only one team.

Selection of Events: Each Team must balance their chosen 23 events from the 5 Science Olympiad categories. Each Team must choose a minimum of 3 events from each category to reach a total of 23 events. 

Auditing of Events: Teams may choose to Audit the 5 events they did not choose for scoring. These events are eligible for duplicate medals. Students beyond the standard team of 15 may participate in Audit events.