Division B and C State Tournament
March 31-April 1, 2023

Follow @WIsciolympiad #wsostate on Twitter for important information and updates.

Important Information: Update March 31, 2023

Overall Schedule of Activities

Look for more details in the upcoming months regarding the state tournament including Friday STEM Expo, lodging, campus maps, Opening and Award Ceremonies, and other important information regarding the tournament on Saturday April 1, 2023.

General Info

  • State invitation emails are on the way to competing teams and exhibition teams. Once schools complete the state acceptance form, they will be assigned a team number in Avogadro and have access to add team info and Self-schedule when it opens.

  • Visit the “Timeline, Checklist, and State Acceptance Form” page (button above) to ensure all deadlines are followed as you prepare for the state tournament.

  • Friday STEM Schedule (list of activities) is available here (updated 3/11/23)! Check out all the amazing activities that will be happening on campus.

    • Self-schedule sign-up for Friday STEM Events will open on Wednesday March 8th at 7:00am.

      • DO NOT sign up for multiple activities in the same time slot!

    • The College of Engineering and Applied Science Open House from 2:00-3:30pm, EMS building does not need self-schedule.

      • See the amazing list of activities offered during the Open House! (No signup required)

Merchandise Booth

  • Our Merchandise vendor will not be on-site to make products or collect orders. See the merchandise tab to place an order!

Tournament Information

  • Opening Ceremony: March 31st at 4pm in the Student Union Wisconsin Room. Link to guest speaker info.

  • Flight practice time: Saturday April 1st from 7:30-8:30am.

  • Flight event space: 50x50x22.

  • Food vendors hours and menu options for breakfast and lunch.

  • Coaches must complete WSO State Acceptance Form and submit all required forms (see “Timeline, Checklist and State Acceptance Form” button for all the required info).

  • State Qualification Criteria along with info on EXHIBITION teams and auditing of events can be seen at the Policies Page.

  • Awards Ceremony: April 1st at 4pm in the Klotsche arena.

Competitive Tournament Notes for Division B and C

Tournament Awards: Individual medals will be provided for the top 6 places in each event. Exhibition (Junior Varsity) and Audit Teams will be provided duplicate place medals and pins. The top 6 Teams will be awarded Team trophies and coaches plaques.

Exhibition (Junior Varsity) Team: These Teams can be thought of as an "Open" Team. The individuals on these Teams are eligible for awards, but the Team score is not relevant. These Teams can have any combination and numbers of students at any grade level at a Team’s school.  Junior Varsity Teams will sign-up for "sign-up" events after the Varsity Team.

Multiple Teams from Schools Scheduling Note: All Teams from a school must compete in the same time-slot for events, with the exception of the following events:

Division C

Geocaching - After Varsity
Robo Cross
Scrambler - After Varsity

Division B

Geocaching - After Varsity
Robo Cross
Roller Coaster
Storm the Castle
Wheeled Vehicle - After Varsity


Students may participate on only one team.

Selection of Events: Each Team must balance their chosen 23 events from the 5 Science Olympiad categories. Each Team must choose a minimum of 3 events from each category to reach a total of 23 events. 

Auditing of Events: Teams may choose to Audit events in which they are not competing.  These events are eligible for duplicate medals. Students beyond the standard Team of 15 may participate in Audit events.