UPDATE: August 29, 2021
Schedules and national rules will be available on September 7th, 2021. The WSO Only Events are Linked below.
Event Resources can be found at soinc.org or by clicking more info below.
Be sure to check any rules clarifications or FAQs at the National Science Olympiad site.
WSO Division B Event Categories 2021-2022
Life Science
Anatomy and Physiology
Bio Process Lab
Disease Detectives
Green Generation
Earth Science
Dynamic Planet
(Virtual Geocaching option
and example virtual test)
Road Scholar
Rocks & Minerals
Solar System
Chemistry and Physics
Crave the Wave
Crime Busters
Food Science
Sounds of Music
Storm the Castle
WSO Division C Event Categories 2021-2022
Life Science
Anatomy and Physiology
Cell Biology
Disease Detectives
Green Generation
Earth Science
Dynamic Planet
(Virtual Geocaching option
and example virtual test)
Remote Sensing
Rocks & Minerals
Chemistry and Physics
Chem Lab
Environmental Chemistry
It’s About Time
WiFi Lab
*Wisconsin additional or substituted events.
NOTE for the State Tournament Only: Each Division B and C Team must balance their chosen 23 events from the 5 Science Olympiad categories. Each Team must choose a minimum of 3 events from each category to reach a total of 23 events.
A Team may only enter only 23 of these events for Team score; Team score determines a State Champion. Additional events beyond the 23 may be audited for no Team score.
Important... This event format has several advantages. It enables a wider variety of events to be offered in hopes of catching the interest of more students. It gives the coaches a better chance of matching the students individual strengths and talents with those events. It helps to assure that one or two Teams will not dominate all events. It encourages Teams to become more diversified in their preparations. It opens the possibility for Teams to audit events and therefore involve more students. By requiring Teams to balance their choices within the categories they will more adequately satisfy the Science Educations Standards.
Wisconsin Science Olympiad Div C State Competition does have a system where events beyond the chosen 23 can be audited. The Audit Events do permit additional students beyond the 15 to participate (including seniors) and compete at the State Competition. Auditing an event gives a Team a chance to not only involve more students, it gives them a chance to gain knowledge about the 5 events they have not chosen for Team score. This experience is invaluable as the Teams prepare to advance to the National Tournament.