Summer/Early Fall
- Read the official event rules carefully and create the exam/testing platform for the event. This may involve collecting specimens, assembling measuring devices as well as other required materials. Ensure the official rules are followed. The exam cannot include any questions that are not outlined in the event rules.
- The hosting campus can provide many materials to ease traveling to the tournament - submit requests for supplies/materials to the associate director.
- Attend invitational tournaments to gain experience
- This will have to be a different exam than the one used at state
- Solicit volunteers to assist with administering and grading the test. Either bring the volunteers or ask for them from the hosting campus.
- Meet with or communicate with the Associate Director often
- Re-read the event rules, revise your exam/event before the state tournament
- Contact your volunteers and YESS team member
- Attend Regional/Invitational tournaments to gain experience
- This will have to be a different exam than the one used at state
- Continue to recruit volunteers
February 28th
- Deadline to submit exams to Nicole H
Late March/April - State Tournament time!
- Coordinate delivering the exam to the site and setting up the stations
- Oversee the exam and be available for questions
- Grade the exams and provide the grades to the tournament officials by the required time
- Advertise your school/business and recruit students to your program/career