TEAM PREPARATION Checklist and Timelines for State Tournament

Important Dates and Times for Div B and C

1. Carefully read everything below.

2. State Acceptance Form completed by 7:00 am March 22nd.

3. Coaches to select 23 of 28 events for Team Score by 7:00 am March 29th in Avogadro.

4. Sign-up for Self-Schedule Events on Avogadro: Varsity teams opens at 7:00 am March 29th, Junior Varsity exhibition teams opens at 7:00 am April 5th , both close 7:00 am April 10th. NOTE: Junior Varsity teams may not be locked out, but any selections before April 5th will be deleted.

5. Enter student names in Avogadro for events by 7:00 am April 10th.

6. Nominations due by 7:00 am April 10th for Outstanding Student Award.

7. Upload Required Forms by 7:00 am April 10th.

Coach Checklist:

1. Coaches please review the following Required Forms and upload these documents here.

  • Team Roster Form (listing students who will be competing at the State Tournament) signed by the school principal.

  • Medical Release and Publicity Waiver

2. Did you complete the online team registration process at Avogadro? Select 23/28 events, enter student names, self-schedule events?

3.  Did you completely read the State Tournament page that includes policies and information?

4. Did you review the Schedule of Events and other tournament details?

5. Did you check the event clarifications and Rules Clarifications and FAQs?

6. Follow Twitter and Slack for communications.

7. Do your students have all of their safety equipment?

8. Make sure you have FUN! :) And thank you for all that you do for your students as they continue to engage in STEM during COVID.